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  About Mary Jo  

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Piano Instructor Since 1980


With over 40 years of experience as a piano and keyboard instructor in Montgomery County, MD, Mary Jo has taught over a thousand students the art of playing the instrument.  Her cheerful disposition and unwavering enthusiasm and energy inspires students to excel and tap into their own talents and love for music.  She is attentive and sensitive to the individual needs of each of her students and develops well thought-out lesson plans geared toward creating an enriching and productive learning experience.  She is passionate about teaching music for she believes that the skills gained through practice and mastery of the instrument can positively impact students in other areas of their lives as well. Therefore, one of her mottos is “It’s never too late to start enjoying the gift of playing music!”


Education:   B.A., Music Education, Douglass College of Rutgers University


Rose - My Inspiration


I started piano lessons at a young age because of my mother Rose. She encouraged me to take piano lessons and set me on my path to becoming a music instructor.  Although she has passed, I have posted a photo of a rose because it represents her influence on my musical life, for which I'm very grateful.



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